How to resolve setState doesn’t update immediately issue? How to access REACT state immediately after state gets updated?

Hardik Sharma
2 min readJan 10, 2021
ReactJs state hacking

As many times, while working with function components in ReactJs, I faced up an issue of using variable updated state immediately after setState hooks.

It is because setState, and useState does not make changes directly to the state object. … useState create queues for React core to update the state object of a React component. So the process to update React state is asynchronous for performance reasons. That’s why changes don’t feel immediate.

So, here I propose my solution to what you can do in a very simple and basic manner. You do not have to do much, just follow up any of the solutions and get onto your desired result.

SOLUTION 1: Here is the first solution you can try and resolve the above-mentioned issue.

  1. Create a function that is nothing other than a middleware, write in your logic code you want to perform with an updated state.
  2. Call that above-created function right after the setState hook, or wherever you want to use after state update.

function demo(){

// here you write you logic with updated state variable

} ;

function yourFunc() {

setState(state_var_name) ;



SOLUTION 2: Here is the second alternative by which you can also resolve the above issue.

  1. Create a useEffect hook and in its callback function write up the logic code you want to perform with an updated state.
  2. (Optional) Pass the state variable in the useEffect hook’s second parameter which is none other than an Array.

useEffect(() => {

// write up your logic here

}, [state_var_name] );

function yourFunc() {

setState(state_var_name) ;


With any of the above solutions, you can resolve this issue and can work smoothly on your builds.



Hardik Sharma

Keep your eyes open, not everyone knows everything, but someone knows something